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  • Susan Ferguson, Design Editor, The Montreal Gazette: “Gayle is incredibly warm and always giving of her knowledge to the newcomer. When I showed her one of my very first pages as a designer, she politely asked me what my purpose was for applying that funky Photo/Graphic Edge effect to all the photos. When I failed to give a better response than “it looked good” she replied that if I don’t have a reason, I shouldn’t do it. Basically, everything should have a purpose. The best advice ever!”

  • Anne Marie Owens, former M.E. National Post: “She taught me about listening. I began as a features editor and Gayle would draw out what it was I wanted people to think and feel about a story. Even when the story was, as we said, up in the clouds and impossible to draw down, Gayle was always able to tease it out and make it real — and, always, beautiful.”

  • Paolo Zinatelli, page designer & copy editor, National Post: “It’s so wonderful to work with someone as talented and passionate as Gayle. She loves what she does, and it shows. And her enthusiasm for the work is infectious. She pushes me to do better and be better, and her sincere encouragement means the world to me. For that, I say thank you, Gayle.”

  • Stephen Meurice, Editor-in-Chief, National Post: “Despite her diminutive stature, Gayle occupies a huge place at the centre of the National Post newsroom. Through her vision, imagination, enthusiasm and drive, she helps push all the staff to think visually as they put together every day’s paper. She is also, quite simply, a wonderful person to work with. The Post wouldn’t be the same without her.”

  • Chris Watson, Executive Editor, National Post/FP: “From the big stories to briefs, Gayle gives the same focus to them all and makes it work by constantly talking to editors about how it should look. It’s more than just design, it’s a ‘feel’ for the news. And she has spread this enthusiasm to global designers through her role at SND and truly earned a place among the top names in our business.”

  • Laura Morrison, News Presentation Editor, National Post: “Gayle Grin: Mentor, inspiration, innovator, encourager. One incredibly talented artist and designer who must have been born thinking outside the box, who never ceases to amaze, and who is never too busy to help others who have the privilege of learning from one of the best!”

  • Lily Lu, SND Chinese: “I worked closely with Gayle before and after the formation of SND Chinese. It was her enthusiasm, mentorship and, most of all, selfless leadership that made the process come to fruition. Gayle led the very first SND speakers’ team to China and laid foundation for all the SND brand trainings and workshops afterwards.”

  • Hans Peter Janisch, former SND International Director: “With Gayle being president, I felt that SND really took a great step towards a worldwide organization. Several projects of international relevance came to a conclusion or were kicked off.  So for me, serving as an International Director, it was a time truly rewarded. She made SND really step beyond borders!”

  • Douglas Okasaki, SND Region 20 Director: “To be with Gayle is always a pleasure and she makes everyone feel comfortable. She treats everyone the same and always invites everyone around to participate in the conversation. She’s a very open and a very good friend.”

  • I met Gayle at Copenhagen Crash in May 2008. It was my first SND event.
    Remember us sitting outside some bar at night, drinking whiskey wish Terry Watson, Gavin Munro and others, talking on seriouse things) It was fun. It’s always fun with Gayle!

    Gayle was an SND President that year and she asked me to be a regional director for Russia. I couldn’t refuse. Then she came to Moscow to speak at the Russian news design conference. She promoted SND all over the world during that year. And she made SND more international with Russia and China.
    Since 2008 we meet each other every year at SND Workshops. Gayle became my good friend.

    I admire her as an artist and as a woman. She’s so talented, smart, beautiful and elegant! She’s got so much energy! And she’s so much fun! 

    I’m so happy Gayle got the Life Achievement SND award because she totally deserves it! She made so much for SND as a President and as a member. She is so long with SND and she is a real SND evangelist. 

    Gayle! You’ve always inspired me! Happy knowing you. 
    Svetlana Maximchenko, SND Russia

Gayle promoted SND all over the world ... And she made SND more international with Russia and China. Since 2008 we meet each other every year at SND Workshops. Gayle became my good friend. I admire her as an artist and as a woman. She’s so talented, smart, beautiful and elegant! She’s got so much energy! And she’s so much fun!  Gayle! You always inspire me!  


  •         Gayle Grin has 

  • the rare gifts of both 

  • vision and the
    discipline to carry it through. Whether it is print or the
    Internet or any other media, she sees the end result and marks the progress toward it in incredible detail. A true artist: Gayle is the reason
    the National Post was one of the best designed newspapers in the world for more than a decade.

  • — Lou Clancy,
    visiting scholar,
    journalism outreach, massey college,
    university of toronto, CA


  • – quote from linkedin 

  • recommendation

  • – quote from linkedin 

  • recommendation

“I worked closely with Gayle before and after the formation of SND Chinese. It was her enthusiasm, mentorship and, most of all, selfless leadership that made the process come to fruition. Gayle led the very first SND speakers’ team to China and laid foundation for all the SND brand trainings and workshops afterwards.”


Gayle Grin: Mentor, inspiration, innovator, encourager. One incredibly talented artist and designer who must have been born thinking outside the box, who never ceases to amaze, and who is never too busy to help others who have the privilege of learning from one of the best!


Gayle promoted SND all over the world ... And she made SND more international with Russia and China. Since 2008 we meet each other every year at SND Workshops ... I admire Gayle as an artist and as a woman. She’s so talented, smart, beautiful and elegant! She’s got so much energy! And she’s so much fun!  Gayle! You always inspire me!  



She taught me about listening. I began as a features editor and Gayle would draw out what it was I wanted people to think and feel about a story. Even when the story was, as we said, up in the clouds and impossible to draw down, Gayle was always able to tease it out and make it real — and, always, beautiful.”

Gayle promoted SND all over the world ... And she made SND more international with Russia and China. ... I admire Gayle as an artist and as a woman. She’s so talented, smart, beautiful and elegant! She’s got so much energy! And she’s so much fun!  ...



With Gayle being president, I felt that SND really took a great step towards a worldwide organization. Several projects of international relevance came to a conclusion or were kicked off ... She made SND really step beyond borders!

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